IG report provides proof of elitist contempt for ordinary Americans

Jun 18, 2018 at 09:38 am by clervin

I've mentioned my theory on elitism before, but now we've got a "smoking gun."

In my column, "Why Trump is right and foreign policy insiders are wrong," I stated the conflict is not Republican versus Democrat or Conservative versus Liberal so much as it is Elites (establishment, insiders) versus ordinary citizens. A statement from an unnamed FBI source revealed in the recent Inspector General's report laid the attitude of Washington insiders toward the rest of the country, specifically Trump voters, bare.

The source declared: They (Trump supporters) are "uneducated, lazy POS that think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing. They probably didn't watch the debates, aren't fully educated on his policies and are stupidly wrapped up in his unmerited enthusiasm."

That is exactly how the political class, the ruling class looks at the men and women who make this country work.

This issue was highlighted initially nationally with Hillary Clinton's "basket full of deplorables" comment.

Condemnation of Trump supporters in fly-over country as stupid, ignorant, or worse continues daily in the media. Witness Joy Behar on "The View," who characterized Trump voters as a cult.

The political insiders of both parties cannot imagine, cannot accept this country actually being run by the people who actually make it work, and that would be you and your neighbors — you lazy, poor-to-middle class, uneducated, racist slobs.

President Trump is just the face, the mirror image of you. He is, to them, an uneducated, middle class, lazy POS. He's uncouth, he's unsophisticated, and so are you — and in electing him, you have control of the country now, and they don't.

And that's simply unacceptable.

This is their country.

It is their government.

It is their power.

And you've taken it away from them.

And who you are? Lazy, middle class and poor, uneducated POS. That's your FBI, Agent 1 and Agent 5, in addition to previous highlighted FBI agents Strzok and Page. The IG report reveals all the hatred and bias that has led to the politicization of the FBI at the very top obvious.

I don't claim complete originality here.

The Wall Street Journal proclaimed the day after Donald Trump's stunning upset in 2016, "Wearing establishment disdain as a badge of honor, supporters propelled the Republican nominee to the most stunning victory in modern American history."

Running for office as an outsider has always been popular and successful. Sometimes that's all you need to win (Jimmy Carter in 1976).

You see it today with candidates such as gubernatorial candidate Randy Boyd. I like to think this trend harkens back to the vision of part-time public servants of our founding fathers: citizens who passed laws, developed government policies and programs, then returned home to live as citizens-not protect their sacred turf against uncouth usurpers of power.

Sections: Voices