The local League of Women Voters is asking Murfreesboro and Rutherford County citizens for their assistance in helping generate questions and potential topics of discussion for upcoming candidate forums on July 10, 12 and 16.
The League is a nonpartisan organization committed to voter education. It is partnering with Rutherford County TV to produce two nights of forums for Rutherford County offices on July 10 and 12, and with Murfreesboro CityTV for a night of forums for city offices on July 16. The public is invited to attend all three forums, which will also be televised and live-streamed on community channels and recorded for later broadcast and streaming. The scheduled forums are:
Tuesday, July 10 at the Historic Rutherford County Courthouse
- 6:00-7:00 PM Rutherford County School Board
- 7:30-8:00 PM Rutherford County Mayor
- 8:30-9:15 PM Rutherford County Sheriff
Thursday, July 12 at the Historic Rutherford County Courthouse
- 6:00-7:15 PM Rutherford Co. Commission Districts 4 ,6 ,7, & 8
- 7:30-8:45 PM Rutherford Co. Commission Districts 13, 18, 19, & 21
Monday, July 16 at the Murfreesboro City Hall Council Chambers
- 6:00-6:45 PM City School Board GENERAL Election
- 7:00-7:30 PM City School Board SPECIAL Election
- 7:45-8:45 PM City Council
Audience members should be seated 10 minutes prior to each forum start time. No one in attendance may wear or display any party or campaign materials during the forums. More details are available at and on the League's Facebook page.
Suggested questions can be emailed to the League at Please indicate the particular office(s) your question is intended for.
A question pool is developed by a League committee with citizen input. The moderator of each forum has final determination of questions from the pool. The committee reserves the right to rephrase questions in order to neutralize language or streamline common topics.
On August 2, voters can cast their ballots at any one of 28 new Voting Centers in the county. Visit for more information and a sample ballot. Early voting runs July 13-28.
Voters can verify their commission district by entering their address in the map found at They may also verify their registration status and representation districts at
The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Membership in the League is open to men and women of all ages. For more information visit
The League attempts to schedule forums for all contested general elections. In order to assure impartiality and comply with FCC rules for televised events, a majority of candidates must agree to participate in order for the League to go forward with a forum.