Murfreesboro Schools and Police launch PSA on Bus Safety

Apr 17, 2019 at 10:00 am by Murfreesboro City Schools

Murfreesboro City Schools in conjunction with the Murfreesboro Police Department launched a public service announcement (PSA) campaign to create awareness of the school bus stop arm laws.

The campaign is designed to protect students and create awareness of safe driving practices in school zones.

The initial PSAs consists of a safety video designed to make parents think before passing a stopped bus and an electronic flyer highlighting the Tennessee laws on stopping for school buses. 

“MPD is taking a proactive approach to the safety of children especially in relation to school buses,” said Murfreesboro Police Chief Michael Bowen.  “This PSA is just one way of conveying the message to drivers how dangerous passing a stopped school bus can be.”

The PSAs, titled Student Travel Outreach Program (S.T.O.P.), are designed to inform drivers and urge them to take extra caution whenever a school bus is stopped with its lights on and stop arm extended.

To find the electronic flyer overview of the Tennessee School Bus Stop Laws, visit To view the PSA video announcement, watch it below.



Tags: Murfreesboro City Schools Murfreesboro Police Department
Sections: Other News