As the hot temperatures can attest, it’s summertime in Murfreesboro. That means the nonprofit Main Street program is in full swing.
Saturday, June 1, marks the first Saturday Market, set for 8 a.m. to noon. The wildly popular farmers market on the courthouse square will continue weekly into October. About 60 vendors will ply freshly picked vegetables and fruits, homemade jellies and jams, herbs, home-baked breads and desserts, fresh meats, eggs, local honey and so much more.
Friday, June 7, is the first of the summer season’s four Friday Night Live concerts, also on the square. Scheduled for the first Friday of June, July, August and September, the concerts have become a monthly community party. Bring your lawn chairs and join the fun from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. The June 7 event features the Middle Tennessee band Entice, playing the greatest music from the ’60s, ’70s and today.
On Saturday, July 27, the community has the chance to give back to Main Street by attending THE Summer Party, Main Street’s primary fundraiser. This year’s event will be at the historic Childress House, the lovely home of Sandy Bayliss at 225 North Academy Street. This year’s event will be a block party. Just $50 buys a delicious meal prepared by some of Rutherford County’s best chefs, an open bar and music. Mark your calendars now.
The Main Street Program is affiliated with the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s National Main Street Center and follows the tenets of that program. Main Street capitalizes on the unique character of the courthouse square and the surrounding business district with the goal of transforming it into the cultural, social, professional and retail center of Rutherford County ... in essence, the hub of community life.