United Way’s Champions of Childhood Literacy Award Winners Announced

Jun 14, 2019 at 02:17 pm by United Way


Children deserve a strong start and equal opportunity for success in life and school. It's practically universally agreed upon. But how do you ensure that children in Rutherford & Cannon Counties have access to this type of opportunity?

By providing high quality, age-appropriate books in the home at no cost to the families, Books from Birth helps to build a foundation for reading and learning for every child in Rutherford & Cannon Counties. Books from Birth levels the playing field for children in our community. This program's success is only sustainable with support from local advocates, volunteers, and philanthropists. 

Two of those people, United Way's recently announced Champions of Childhood Literacy, are Don & Hanna Witherspoon.

The Witherspoons have been involved with United Way for more than 30 years in multiple states where they've lived. Don currently serves on the United Way board of directors and Hanna has served on the board in the past. They've given time, treasures and talents to United Way for many years, but their passion project has recently become Books from Birth.

"Books in the hands of kids is good for everyone," Don said, when asked why they support this program. "Reading is the foundation for a successful life. It has the ability to lift people up from birth to a bright future. And Books from Birth makes that happen."

The Witherspoons' support has ensured that thousands of local children receive books in their home monthly, free of charge to their families. This month, Books from Birth will deliver their 1.5 millionth book locally, a feat that would not be possible without individuals like Don & Hanna.

"Supporters like Don & Hanna are the reason we can continue to provide services like this in our community," Meagan Flippin, United Way's President & CEO said. "Without their generous support, local children would be missing out on a vital, essential service to improve their lives."

If you would like to follow the Witherspoon's generosity and give a gift to Books from Birth in their honor, please visit https://www.yourlocaluw.org/booksfrombirth

Tags: United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties
Sections: Other News