A packed crowd filled the Escape Point building on 855 W. College St. this Tuesday night to celebrate the Grand Opening of Murfreesboro Axe, an expansion of the nation-wide axe-throwing craze to our local community.
What is axe-throwing?
It's a recreational activity with roots across the globe in places like China, Russia, Scandinavia, and Canada It has recently boomed to a worldwide phenomenon, with axe-throwing bars popping up worldwide. Understandably, axe-throwing may seem quite foreign, but the set-up of Murfreesboro Axe feels very familiar. Murfreesboro Axe is outfitted with multiple lanes to throw, like a bowling alley, with lines to ensure the safety of throwers and their partners alike.
So what is the appeal of axe-throwing?
Jared Dauenhauer, co-owner of Murfreesboro Axe, simply said, "It's a raw form of entertainment." What could get further to the heart of man's primal desire than throwing an axe above one's head to satisfyingly hit a target? Axe-throwing combines the best aspects of bowling, darts, and natural instinct to create a one-of-a-kind experience of fun with friends.
But why bring axe-throwing to Murfreesboro?
Murfreesboro Axe is looking to bring entertainment to residents of Murfreesboro without the hassle of travel. Dauenhauer and company have already found success in bringing entertainment opportunities, such as escape rooms, to Murfreesboro.
"We just want the people of Murfreesboro to not feel like second-class Nashville citizens, to have a sense of city pride, and I think that means that you get top-notch entertainment options where you live," Dauenhauer said. Murfreesboro Axe does just what Dauenhauer aspired for, bringing an exciting entertainment option to the doorstep of the people of Murfreesboro.
Dauenhauer said Murfreesboro Axe emphasizes three goals: to teach safety, to give technique, and to have fun. Importantly, Murfreesboro Axe emphasizes safety first. Before each session, supervisors will give an extensive five to ten minute lesson about rules and regulations in place to ensure the safety of others. In addition, supervisors will continue to watch each group and help keep everyone safe throughout the session.
Will there be league play?
In the future, Murfreesboro Axe looks to facilitate league play, in the style of bowling leagues, under the guidelines of the World Axe Throwing League (WATL). The WATL is an organization that spans sixteen countries and includes more than 100 axe-throwing ranges, and its World Axe Throwing Championship has been broadcast by ESPN. Murfreesboro Axe will host an eight-week league affiliated with the WATL where people of all skill levels are encouraged to participate and socialize.
The price of Murfreesboro Axe is a cool $20 per person for an hour of throwing that includes instruction and supervision by trained employees on how to properly throw an axe and different games that can be played depending on the size of a group.
And don't worry about your group's size. Groups of strangers will not be forced to play together, so there is no stress over awkward conversations with people you do not know.
Intrigued? Go check it out!
For more questions, consult the Murfreesboro Axe website: https://www.murfreesboroaxe.com