Going Home: The Logic of The Lydia Living Room Strategy

Dec 03, 2019 at 09:17 am by sonyamcclloughlockridge

The number one logic of The Lydia Living Room Strategy 

is you likely already have one!

It's simply the most practical approach to sister-ships, filling living rooms to mother, mentor and minister to women.

Plus, you likely already have a living room!

What's the most practical ideal to approach? Inviting a few friends to an exclusive private party or inviting hundreds of Face Book friends to a costly event?

Plus, you likely already have a living room!

The Lydia Living Room Strategy is not about playing small.

It's about the all sustaining logic of planting seeds for eternity in the right now.

The Lydia Living Room Strategy is not a new a concept in the ministry of women! It's actually a type of biblical mandate from the fourth chapter of the book of Acts.

And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. Acts 4:46-47

The people were on one accord in the Temple and bread was broken from house to house

Stadium-style success does not lean in the direction of sister-ships.

Plus, you likely already have a living room!

When you choose to fill living rooms instead of stadiums, you have almost complete control and confidence over your manor, mission, mandate, money and ministry. And ultimately, you have the opportunity  through obstacles and oppression to point more women directly to the one and only Prince of Peace Jesus Christ!

Plus, you likely already have a living room!

Next:The Power of The Lydia Living Room Strategy


Tags: Religion
Sections: Life & Human Interest