Director of Schools Bill Spurlock arrived at 7 a.m. Monday morning at La Vergne Lake Elementary School to assist with the district’s free meal program.
After receiving a health screening from school nurse Angie Dorris, Spurlock joined cafeteria manager Larry Bowls and five other members of his staff in sorting food into brown bags for breakfast and lunch.
Shortly before 8 a.m., the first carload of children showed up.
More soon followed.
La Vergne Lake is one of 26 Rutherford County Schools’ sites offering free breakfast and lunch for anyone 18 and younger during the COVID-19 shutdown. The La Vergne Lake site has provided as many as 400 meals a day, although the total varies depending on the day of the week, Bowls said.
Director Spurlock volunteered to assist with the program Monday because he wanted to set an example.
“It’s a valuable program that delivers an important service to children and families,” Spurlock said. “I want our cafeteria workers to know that I would never ask them to do a job that I’m not willing to do myself.”
Prior to Spring Break, the school district offered bagged meals for takeout at 10 sites. Beginning this week, the district has expanded the popular program to a total of 26 sites.
Some sites continue to serve bagged meals while the new sites are offering hot meals that are handed out to parents and children following social distancing guidelines.
The program is staffed by members of the district’s School Nutrition Department and funded by the Unites States Department of Agriculture.
Following is the list of sites and serving times for Rutherford County’s program:
The following 10 sites will offer both breakfast and lunch (pre-bagged) from 8-10 a.m.:
- Cedar Grove Elementary
- David Youree Elementary
- Kittrell Elementary
- La Vergne Lake Elementary
- Oakland High
- Riverdale High
- Roy Waldron Elementary
- Smyrna Middle
- Stewartsboro Elementary
- Whitworth-Buchanan Middle
The expanded 16 sites will offer hot food from 8-9 a.m. and 11 a.m.-noon daily:
- Barfield Elementary
- Buchanan Elementary
- Central Magnet School
- Christiana Elementary
- Christiana Middle
- John Colemon Elementary
- La Vergne High
- La Vergne Middle
- La Vergne Primary
- McFadden School of Excellence
- Oakland Middle
- Rocky Fork Elementary
- Rocky Fork Middle
- Smyrna Elementary
- Smyrna High
- Smyrna Primary
For updates on the RCS free food program, follow this page.