United Way Receives State Farm Good Neighbor Citizenship Company Grant

May 06, 2020 at 07:00 am by United Way

The United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties was awarded a $10,000 grant from State Farm Good Neighbor Citizenship Company Grant program to support United Way's new Launch Point program. The State Farm Good Neighbor Citizenship Company grant will allow United Way to expand services to low-income families.

Funding will be used to attack the devastating trends of generational poverty by providing a system that allows for a more efficient and effective way to provide holistic care to families. Launch Point brings organizations together to engage and communicate in consistent and continuous productive dialogue, while fostering mutually beneficial collaborations among clients and organizations. The vision is to improve the education, financial stability and well-being of families by providing pathways for success and long-term stability through universal case management.

State Farm supports local communities through Good Neighbor Citizenship company grants and the State Farm Companies Foundation. State Farm's giving focus includes three areas: safety, community development, and education. For more information on Good Neighbor Citizenship company grants and the State Farm Companies Foundation, visit www.statefarm.com.

Tags: State Farm United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties
Sections: Other News