Read To Succeed receives 2 $10K grants from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation

May 21, 2020 at 01:48 pm by literacymatters

Read To Succeed

The Dollar General Literacy Foundation recently awarded Read To Succeed two grants, a $10,000 grant to support Youth & Family Literacy and a $10,000 grant to support Adult Literacy. These local grants are part of more than $8.6 million in grants awarded to more than 950 schools, nonprofits and organizations across the communities Dollar General serves.

“Read To Succeed is so grateful for the Dollar General Literacy Foundation. We both have the same goal and that is to change the trajectory of individuals in our community through literacy,” RTS Director Jolene Radnoti said.

Read To Succeed’s Family Literacy Program serves the child and family. With two key programs offered in collaboration with Rutherford County and Murfreesboro City, Head Start and support summer Community Summer Camps; Read To Succeed aims to bring the family together to celebrate literacy along with the JOY of reading. Family Literacy Events are conducted throughout the school year in partnership with local universities in our local elementary schools. Imagination Station events are held in collaboration with Community Development Institute Mid-Cumberland Head Start sites in Rutherford County.

The Adult Literacy Program works with adults 18 years-of-age and older to provide one-on-one tutoring in basic literacy at no cost to the learner. The program provides a free 5-hour training course to teach volunteer tutors how to work with adults. The tutors are then paired, one-on-one with adult learners based on the tutors’ interest (basic, intermediate, advanced reading, math, or English as a Second Language). Throughout the year, in-service training is offered to the tutors at no cost. In addition, the program provides the basic literacy materials needed for the tutoring process.

“During these extraordinary times, the Dollar General Literacy Foundation remains steadfast in its commitment to support communities’ literacy and educational advancements through funds that will impact thousands of students across the country,” said Todd Vasos, Dollar General’s CEO and Dollar General Literacy Foundation board member. “We are proud to support the meaningful and impactful work that each of today’s recipients conduct and support their ongoing efforts to help individuals improve their lives through literacy and education.”

The Dollar General Literacy Foundation is proud to support initiatives that help others improve their lives through literacy and education. Since its inception in 1993, the Dollar General Literacy Foundation has awarded more than $182 million in grants to nonprofit organizations, helping more than 11 million individuals take their first steps toward literacy or continued education.

Tags: Read To Succeed
Sections: Other News