Free tax prep available at La Vergne Public Library

Feb 01, 2021 at 11:30 am by United Way


As tax day approaches free help is being made available thanks to the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program through United Way of Rutherford County.

The program is mostly for qualifying individuals who made less than $66,000 in 2020. Volunteers will be providing basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing. Due to COVID-19 appointments are required and participants must wear a face mask.

To make an appointment visit Appointments are available at the La Vergne Public Library at 5063 Murfreesboro Road every Friday and Saturday from February 12 through April 10. The library is closed April 2 and 3.

What to Bring

·         Original Social Security Cards or ITINs for everyone on the return
·         Photo ID for each spouse on the return
·         All income documents including W-2s, 1099s, social security, retirement, dividends, cash and gambling income
·         Self-employed and contract work
·         Proof of expenses including charitable contributions, 1098-T, education expenses, child-care and dependent care expenses forms/documentation
·         Healthcare form 1095 for Marketplace health insurance
·         Direct deposit information
·         EIP/Stimulus documents received in 2020 (non-taxable) and previous year’s return

All IRS required documents must be available in hard copy format during the appointment. Missing documents will require participants to make another appointment.

Tags: Taxes United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties
Sections: Other News