Rutherford Bar Association reschedules free expungement clinic for July 31

May 21, 2021 at 10:05 am by Voice Wire

The Rutherford and Cannon County Bar Association Expungement Clinic has been rescheduled to Saturday, July 31, 2021, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the Rutherford County Judicial Center. The purpose of the Expungement Clinic is to help the public erase or clear criminal records that can present obstacles to employment, housing, or other opportunities.

“Too often, people are denied job opportunities, housing applications, or other things in life because of an old criminal conviction, or even a case that has already been dismissed but is still on their record,” according to Chase Doscher, who serves as the Public Service Chair for the Bar Association. “We are hoping this event will help those people.”

The event was initially scheduled to take place in early June, but has now been rescheduled to July 31, 2021, to allow more participation from the community. The deadline to apply has also been extended.


The 2021 RCCBA Expungement Clinic relies upon the support of numerous elected officials, including County Mayor Bill Ketron, Circuit Court Judge James Turner, and Circuit Court Clerk Melissa Harrell. The Bar Association is incredibly grateful to these officials, whose support is necessary to provide this public service. 

“The Circuit Court Clerk’s Office is looking forward to helping with the clinic, and we are very excited about helping the citizens of Rutherford County,” said Circuit Court Clerk Melissa Harrell.

The deadline to apply has been extended to Friday, June 18, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. 

Tags: Rutherford and Cannon County Bar Association
Sections: Crime & Safety