Mother's Day Distinguished

May 07, 2021 at 09:46 am by Paulette Jackson

In Honor of Mother's Day

"There is no greater gift and no greater responsibility than that of our children." ~ Elizabeth Elliot

Distinguish definition: If you can distinguish one thing from another or distinguish between two things, you can see or understand how they are different. ~ Collins Dictionary

The feeling of elation did not begin to describe the ecstatic joy I felt, in carrying the life of both of my children. Experiencing the beginnings of life for each of my children, was a profound joy. From the very first noticing of movement in the womb, to expanded and stronger activities of rolling and kicking in utero, I was smitten with love. And since then, my love for each of them, has done nothing but continue to grow. And I have always felt a distinguished honor for being the mom of my two precious children.

From a bio-psycho-socio-political-spiritual perspective, there appears to be a significant shift, in the number of women, who feel comfortable endorsing society's promoted, mainstream feminist message; one that focuses on individual choice, control and determination toward an individual's goal, and largely apart from monogamy, marriage and child rearing.

But, what if, instead, as husbands and wives, we distinguished ourselves from the mainstream messages, and focused on our faith in a God that loves us most? And as a couple, what if we focused on the joy and bond of love for each other? What if we believed that fathers and mothers are both, the most important, and valuable relationships in the home? And what if we believed that our children were the most important and valuable work in our world?

And what if, we believed what Alexis De Tocqueville reminded us of what he said in 1831: "I do not hesitate to avow that although the women of the United States are confined within the narrow circle of domestic life, and their situation is in some respects one of extreme dependence, I have nowhere seen women occupying a loftier position; and if I were asked, now that I am drawing to the close of this work, in which I have spoken of so many important things done by the Americans, to what the singular prosperity and growing strength of that people ought mainly to be attributed, I should reply: To the superiority of their women."

In honor of Mother's Day,
Motherhoood ... a most distinguished gift.

For the Support of Your Life
For the Many Sides of Life
Paulette Jackson lpc-mhsp

"Always, we begin again." ~St. Benedict 


The thoughts and opinions expressed in this post, are those belonging to Paulette Jackson lpc-mhsp and do not necessarily reflect those of any other individual or professional.

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