Dear Miss Ellie:
I am 18 years old and a freshman at MTSU. I got a speeding ticket from campus police and three days later a parking ticket. Then a week after that, I got another speeding ticket, a ticket for a cell phone, no seat belt, and a reckless driving ticket. I am going to be in big trouble with my parents, and they will probably take my car away. I don’t know what to do, they will be so angry. I am the first in my family to go to college, and they will yell and scream, and take my privileges away. They are on me all the time to study and stop going out. I just want to be a teen. Help me talk to them please.
- 18 and in big trouble
Dear 18:
Yes, you are in big trouble. Yes, you have been irresponsible. Also, you need to take a driving safety course, you are a danger on the roads.
Six tickets in a week? Seriously, you need to have your license revoked.
Congratulations on entering adulthood in one piece, and welcome to responsibility. Tell your parents immediately and take their wrath with open arms. You deserve all they will give you. You are looking a serious fines, and you may need legal assistance. I suggest you give up driving for a while, you don’t know how to drive responsibly. Losing your car is the least of your concerns. Be responsible and own what you did. And when you talk to your parents also tell them your plan on how to do better, it will be good practice for you before you go before the judge.
- Ellie
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