Tennessee ranks among states with best roads in the nation

Jun 28, 2021 at 11:00 am by robmtchl

According to a recent survey, Tennessee has something more of which to be proud. It might be unexpected too. Tennessee has the best roadways in the Southeast and few states nationwide can match our investment in highway infrastructure.

According to reports, only a little more than 5 percent of Tennessee's roads need repair. Compare that to Arkansas where over 30 percent of theirs are worn out. (Not surprising when the bridge in Memphis connecting to Arkansas had trouble, is it?)

I know it's easy to complain about traffic. Heaven's knows I don't like the congestion any more than the next guy. (Probably less and I pray for forgiveness at the thoughts I have when I drive) But, just imagine how much worse the commutes would be on substandard roadways!

We should thank our local county and city highway departments for making our lives more tolerable. They don't get the recognition or appreciation they deserve. Need proof? Just check out the numbers for yourselves.

US News Highway Infrastructure Data

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