Residents may learn about the daily activities of the law enforcement and corrections during the free Sheriff’s Citizens Academy.
Some of the topics covered in the classes are communications, patrol, SWAT, narcotics, K-9, mounted patrol, criminal investigations, court, adult detention center, mental health issues and negotiations, said Community Services Unit Sgt. Gary Herron.
Participants will ride along with a deputy and learn about the range.
“The Citizen Academy is an exciting way to explore all the responsibilities the Sheriff’s Office has to assist within your county,” Herron said.
Classes will be from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesdays at the Sheriff’s Office at 940 New Salem Highway in Murfreesboro from July 20 to Sept. 21.
To apply for the class, please contact Herron at for an application. The class is limited to 20 citizens. For more information, contact Herron at 615-904-3019.
Cutline: Previous Sheriff's Citizens Academy members learned about the horse patrol from Sgt. James Holloway.