Annual Chili Cookoff benefiting United Way

Oct 21, 2021 at 08:00 am by Cynthialynn Jones

Rutherford County annual Chili Cook-off

On Friday, Oct. 29, Rutherford County government will host its annual Chili Cook-off benefiting United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties. The event will take place outdoors in the inner circle of the Public Square in downtown Murfreesboro.

Departments will compete in three categories: Regular, Hot, and Unique. Booths and accompanying costumes will also be judged. For $5, you can eat all the chili you want. Silent auction items will be up for bid at each booth as well. ALL proceeds benefit United Way. Tickets are available in the Mayor’s Office or will be for sale day of the event.  

Come on out and enjoy the fun, friendly competition and fill up on some delicious chili!

COVID precautions: Servers will be masked and wearing gloves. Provisions will be made to limit contact. Hand sanitizer will be available.

Tags: Rutherford County United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties
Sections: Life & Human Interest