Cynthia’s Favorite Things: The November Edition

Nov 01, 2021 at 10:00 am by Cynthialynn Jones


Fall is the season, cooler breezes fill the senses, trees are beginning their state of hibernation changing colors and dropping their leaves,  and love or rather pie is in the air. Yes, November to many is the month of family, thanksgiving, shopping, and football. To this writer, fall is all about pie.

Pie - My love affair with pie began as a child with homemade fruit pies made by my Mummy in the Fall months from the fruit of our backyard. We had blackberries, apples, pears, cherries, rhubarb, and a few pretty but not fruit bearing citrus trees. When we were younger, Mum would either can the fruit or make deserts. When we got older, if you wanted pie, you had to pick the fruit yourself, and I learned how to pick blackberries without battling those little frustrating thorns. Mum was also an expert at pie crust, always flaky, and perfectly made. No store bought crust in our house, and the rule was, Daddy always got the last pie of pie.

So with November being the month of family and Thanksgiving, let us take a look at my November Favorites other than pie.

Banana Cream Pie Lip BalmMade by Sweet Clementine Soaps on Etsy, this rich balm has a clear and light sheen, with deep moisture that penetrates. For $3.95 a tube, this is a must for every pocketbook for Fall. We just came out of masks, no chapped lips allowed.

Goco Center for Aesthetics, Dr. Paul Goco - ​Dr. Paul E. Goco is board certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology, the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and a Fellow of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. Dr. Goco is one of only 600 select surgeon’s worldwide, who has achieved double board certification in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery through the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology.

Why is Dr. Goco on my favorite list? Not only is he well-educated and a master of technique, Dr. Goco is a Christian man, devoted husband and father, U.S. Army Veteran, philanthropist in our community, and he is a painless Botox and filler injector. November is Botox month for me as I ready myself for Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays. At my age, I need a magic eraser to my forehead and laugh lines. I love to smile and laugh, and Dr. Goco makes sure I am always putting my best face forward in the most fabulous way. Nothing invasive or expensive, a little injection here and there just to make me laugh a little more while enhancing my natural beauty, not changing me; no harm in this at all. What is better than Botox for Christmas, a housekeeper for Christmas. Now I want both.

In addition to Botox and fillers, talk with Cherilyn Maddox about your personal aging concerns and discuss a treatment plan that is right for your lifestyle. Not everyone needs or desires a nip and tuck here and there, we just want a little help from a professional we can trust. You can also pick up your beauty needs such as ColorScience Sunforgettable Total Protection Face Shield with SFP 50. I swear by this sun protection, and it kept my cheeks burn free all summer. I use it in my daily skin care routine; wash, moisture, sunscreen, lip balm, mascara, out the door. Super easy. For so many we have been led down a path of believing skin care is time-consuming, expensive, and challenging. However, the staff at Goco Center for Aesthetics will assist you with what is right for your skin, so it is one good purchase for mind and body that you will use and enjoy, rather than yet another purchase that goes in the black hole drawer for whatever reason. Christmas is right around the corner, and this is the place for gifts with personalization, and they will gift wrap for you for a no muss fuss gift.

Goco Center for Aesthetics is right here in the heart of Murfreesboro at 1370 Gateway Blvd Suite 240 in Murfreesboro. Call 615-848-9223 for information or make an appointment

Thanksgiving Day – This is a foodie day, a football day, and a family day. For my household it is even a more special family day because we spend it with our chosen family, the Ace, Stacey, Cantrell, Maddox family here in Murfreesboro. We are not sure how many years ago it all started, I am just forever grateful there are so many years in our past and with health so many more to come. I am truly blessed by this family, as they all gather in love and respect and include my family in their festivities.

What is Thanksgiving without food? I don’t have an answer, as I have been seriously blessed to have never known hunger or homelessness. So this year let us all say a prayer for those without food, homes, and family, let us pray as Christ taught us to pray and to raise up those who are in need and make sure they are feed with food and the love of Christ. Below is a list of places that need assistance all year round, but even more so in these winter months. Also, look around, be aware of your own neighbors, there may be someone in need right next door, and you are unaware. Gather food and drop off at one of these many locations. If unsure, please call your local church or any church in Murfreesboro, and they will guide you.

• Nourish Food Bank - 1809 Memorial Blvd, Murfreesboro 615-203-3963
• Food Bank of Rutherford County - 211 Bridge Ave, Murfreesboro  615-895-1148
• Saint Rose Food Pantry – 1601 N Tennessee Blvd, Murfreesboro 615-893-1843
• Greenhouse Ministries – 309 S Spring Street, Murfreesboro 615-494-0499
• West Main Mission – 310 Byrd Ave, Ste D11, Murfreesboro 615-893-8912
• Feed America First – 319 Murfreesboro St, Murfreesboro 615-512-5915
• Community Food Panty – 248 Waldron Road LaVergne, 615-793-6631
• Nourish Food Pantry – 130 Richardson St., Smyrna 615-355-0697

Black Friday – I would not be truthful if I told you this is one of my favorite things, because it is not. I will be firmly in my home taking out Christmas decorations and deciding what to put out this season. I will not be in the stores racing around town and encouraging anyone else to do so. However, for you dedicated shoppers who love all things SALE, this is your very special day, and one made just for you. Enjoy, I will not be in sight.

Boots,  Boots, and more Boots – Fall is break out the socks and boots season. Much like pies, I love them all, short ones, tall ones, over the knees ones, black, grey, brown, beige, pink, and more, I love boots. This is going to be another year of the tall, lean riding boot. In black or in brown, this traditionally low-heel boot can be found locally at Trendy Pieces on the Square, French’s on Church Street, and just about every retailer box store in the 'Boro. If you want all leather and sturdy, you may pay over $250, but you can have stylish for much less at Marty and Liz on Thompson Lane.

Sweaters – Big oversized cardigans, slim and cozy, angora, firm wools, and soft cashmere. Sweaters come in all shapes, textures, colors, and textures. Sweaters are also clinically proven to improve mood. How, maybe feeling wrapped up in something warm and cozy makes us happy. Makes my dogs happy. Who knows, I didn’t write the clinical study, I just love sweaters in all shapes and colors, my favorite being the softness of cashmere – in pink.   If you swing by Trendy Pieces on the Square or Belk at The Avenue, you will be in sweater nirvana.

Fall Dressing in Dresses  – You already know, I am a lover of all things shoes, but I do love a nice dress with boots. Sometimes I do get a little wind lift in the skirt, or a chill in the office, so I always carry a pair of leggings in my purse or bag, just simple in black for those moments where being stylish is a little on the chilly side.

Christmas is right around the corner, and if you have suggestions for The December Issue please write in. I hope you have enjoyed Cynthia’s Favorite Things – The November Issue. If you would like for your products to be reviewed, or have ideas about locals treats that need exploration, please email me at for information. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, may the Lord bless you and keep you in his loving arms.

Tags: Cynthia's Favorite Things
Sections: Voices