Traffic enforcement set for Dec. 15 and Dec. 22 on US. Highway 70 in Rutherford County

Dec 13, 2021 at 11:00 am by Lisa Marchesoni

Safe on 70

Making sure families arrive safely for Christmas gatherings are the goals of the “Safe on 70” enforcement events this month by the Rutherford County Traffic Safety Task Force members.

Murfreesboro Police Capt. Cary Gensemer said officers will enforce hazardous moving violations such as speeding, running red lights and distracted driving.

“They will also focus on seat belt and child passenger safety seat compliance,” Gensemer said.

Extra law enforcement officers throughout the county will enforce those laws from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Dec. 15 and Dec. 22 on US. Highway 70 in Rutherford County from the Davidson County line to the Coffee County line and to the Cannon County line.

Sheriff’s Sgt. Michael Rodgers said traffic fatalities and injuries increase in December.

“We are taking a special effort and working hard to make sure people get to Christmas celebrations safely,” Rodgers said.

Smyrna Police Sgt. Andy Miller said four people died in traffic crashes from Dec. 17-30, 2020 in Rutherford County.

“In order to ensure Santa’s route across the county, we’ll need to be out,” Miller said.

Murfreesboro Police Lt. Greg Walker said many of the traffic deaths and injuries occur because people are in a hurry.

“Slow down, buckle up and stay focused,” Walker said.

La Vergne Police Lt. Chris Goins said the major contributors to crashes are hazardous moving violations, distracted driving and not wearing seat belts.

“Slow down to arrive alive this holiday season,” Goins said. 

Tags: Rutherford County Traffic Safety Task Force
Sections: Other News