Letter to the Editor: All About School Choice

Sep 21, 2022 at 04:31 pm by Voice Wire

Letter to the Editor: I recently spoke at the Tennessee Charter School Commission hearing in support of American Classical Academy Rutherford, a proposed charter school in my county. I have 3 school age children, and recently transferred my youngest to a private school using a classical education model similar to the proposed school.

All children should have the opportunity to experience a wonderful school like this, regardless of their family income.

In public schools, where most students have no choice in attendance, there has been a conflict brewing for years. That conflict is over what a school should teach, discipline and academic standards, and most recently the policies during a pandemic. Fortunately, the tool for a long-term solution is available––more choice. What is right for one family is often wrong for another.

Despite their best efforts, no public school district's traditional zoned school can meet the unique needs of every family. But, allowing a parent's education dollars to follow their students to a school of their choosing can solve this supposedly unsolvable problem. Our school system should not be dominated by a single approach, like the current district monopoly model, but should acknowledge that a Montessori model works for certain families, while a classical education model is better for others, or various other models for different families.

Educational choice is consistent with liberty, opportunity, and equality under the law. By giving parent's that choice, we match the greatest number of students with the educational model that works best for them––the best possible outcome for everyone.

Letter to the Editor submitted by Chris L. 

Tags: education Letter to the Editor Murfreesboro schools news opinion opinions Rutherford County Schools school choice Tennessee tn
Sections: Education