April 11 marks the beginning of early voting in the primary elections for a number of local city and county offices.
One particular office has held my attention since June of last year. And that's our county mayor seat. Literally, the CEO of Rutherford County.
On the day that Bill Ketron announced he intended to run for this seat, my stomach turned. He has such a notorious record for trying to impose discriminatory legislation against Muslims and that just pisses me off to no end.
He doesn't even try to pretend.
He openly admits that he shares the same views on Islam as Geert Wilders, an outspoken white nationalist and former Dutch politician whose views are so radical that he has been tried for hate speech and inciting hate in his country. Geert Wilders has the same views as white nationalists and white supremacists including those who tried to bring their hate to Murfreesboro last October.
And as a community, across religious lines and political lines, we came together and controlled the narrative for our community and showed those folks what we aspire to be.
It was beautiful really. Local businesses, the city and county, law enforcement, clergy, and hundreds and hundreds of our neighbors took a collective stand against those ideals by showing them what we stand for.
In October of 2015, these same white nationalists (The League of the South) announced that they would hold an armed protest at the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro.
That threat was the catalyst that inspired us to create the "Love Your Neighbor” potluck picnic. We wanted to do something positive in response to their bigotry that would build bridges rather than walls in our community.
So people of diverse religious views, social views, political views, etc., came together to celebrate diversity and the things we all have in common. Like enjoying different foods, and playing games with our families. That first picnic turned into three picnics a year that feel more like a family reunion every time. And the family gets bigger and more diverse as we go.
I say all of this because I love the way our community has grown to embrace our Muslim neighbors over the past couple of years.
Our Muslim neighbors are a blessing to our community.
The Murfreesboro Muslim Youth is one of the finest organizations I've ever had the privilege of working with. Their work with refugees, the homeless community, churches, single moms, food banks and other local nonprofits is incredible.
There are around 1,500 Muslims in Rutherford County. They deserve representation that will promote their welfare the same way that everyone else's welfare in this community is promoted.
And we just won't get that with Bill Ketron.
He has tirelessly harassed the Muslim community for years.
He tried to introduce legislation that would make it a felony for them to practice such things as foot washing.
He very embarrassingly mistook a janitorial mop sink being installed in Legislative Plaza (where state senators have offices) as a Muslim foot-washing sink.
And really, the paranoia and fear-mongering list just goes on and on with this guy.
The Bible says "there is no fear in love.” So introducing legislation based on misinformed and misplaced fear and paranoia isn't coming from a place of love for community or love of neighbor.
It's misguided.
And I for one just cannot stand the thought of him holding the highest office in our county.
We've come such a long way. I am so proud of the connections we have made, the relationships that have developed and how much better our community is for it. Let's not take a giant step backward.
So, I hope you will get out and vote in this local election. And I hope that you will consider Mark 12:31 when voting.
Is our slogan "Murfreesboro Loves?" I believe it is.
By the way, our 8th Love Your Neighbor picnic is on April 22, at Barfield Park, Pavilion 7 at 3 pm. Bring the whole family and come meet your neighbors.