'Focus on the Boro' comes back for a second year

Mar 25, 2019 at 02:00 pm by BoroNews

Focus on the Boro, the Rutherford County community photo show and contest, is back for it's second year! The show will be on exhibit in the City Hall Rotunda in Murfreesboro from June 3- July 5, 2019. Focus is open to all photographers, with any level of expereince, who live or work in Rutherford County. 

"The purpose of this photography event is to inspire the community to get out and take pictures, experience a fun and friendly competition, and have the opportunity to exhibit and enjoy photography," explains the show’s web page at jessicagnelson.com/focusSubmissions begin on April 1.

Each photographer may submit a total of three images across nine categories. The categories include people, landscape, still life, animals, flora, architecture, sports/action, and abstract/special effects. The ninth, community focused category, Murfreesboro, is meant to "encourage residents to take pictures of the community and tell their stories," Nelson said.

Both youth and adults are encouraged to participate and there will be separate awards for 17 and younger.

First round entries need to be uploaded through culturalartsmurfreesboro.submittable.com between April 1 - May 3. Finalists will be notified on or before May 3 and then must print and mount their images to be turned in on June 3. Results of the final judging will be announced at a free and public community reception held from 6-9 p.m. Friday, June 14 in the Rotunda at City Hall.

Local businesses who would like to support this event are encouraged to reach out to the host group, Photography Connect Murfreesboro, at photographyconnectmboro@gmail.com. 

Last year's event was supported by Nations Photo Lab, Gale Stoner Images, Nashville Photo & Art, Just Love Coffee, Moxie Art Supply and Barns & Noble book sellers.

Jessica Goings Nelson, the 2017-2018 Murfreesboro Photography Laureate, has spent the last two years building a network of local photographers, from amateurs to experts, facilitating connections, classes, professional development, photography outings, and new friendships.

Her creation and the group hosting Focus In The Boro, Photography Connect Murfreesboro, organized through Facebook, is currently a group of over 500 members.

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