Opinion: Is pre-trial release just another form of catch-and-release?

May 29, 2019 at 08:00 am by Tess2019

Rutherford County Adult Detention Center

So, I started watching a series on Netflix called "The 4400."

Set in Seattle, the basic message is that in the distant future, the human race is nearing extinction, and characters in the series develop super healing abilities. It takes a multi-millionaire developer to market this talent. The target market is people who have so much money and are ill or have a dear one who is and they're willing to donate oodles of money to the "clinic," to access this healing power.

A couple of questions come to my mind:

  1. How is it that socialist Seattle can be the setting of such a purely capitalistic theme?
  2. How much is your life worth, dear Reader?

What they don't show is how anarchistic Seattle really is. Since implementing "Pre-trial release" in 2001, as a means of dealing with overcrowding in the jail as a result of their drug problems, Seattle has become an ugly, messy cesspool with empty jails. You might even say that after almost 20 years, Seattle has fallen into a state of anarchy. Yes, "Seattle IS Dying".

Pre-trial release was also adopted in cities like Chicago, with one of the highest crime rates in the country.

About a month ago, we watched the streets of Nashville taken over by marauders on ATVs and the police were powerless to do anything. A Youtube video caught one of the marauders telling others not to venture into Rutherford County because we don't have pre-trial releaseā€¦.Nashville does.

Rutherford County Commission is now deliberating the value of Pre-trial release, with the No. 1 excuse given by Pettus Read: It would save money. As if Rutherford County Commission has ever done anything to save money.  

To be clear, "pre-trial release" is nothing other than what we currently use at our Southern border only it's called "catch-and-release."

Pre-trial release doesn't address the root problem at all: over crowding in the jail. I suggest that Commissioners look beyond the cosmetics and address the real problem; insufficient jail space for people who may be "over-charged." Rutherford County has a big drug problem and sex-trade/slave problem. Pre-trial release would cut these offenders loose, as long as Rutherford can only find a first-time offence!!!

This political "fundamental change" of our judiciary is being lobbied by Judge Lisa Eischeid. Perhaps this is the judge's political "selfie." God only knows what she's really thinking. The bench is no place to legislate from. Apply the law equally and that leads to fairness.

Accept the fact that the problem of overcrowded jails has one solution: build a bigger jail.

Rutherford County has more than doubled in size over the past few years, so makes sense our crime would double. Then address the reason for overcrowding: Drugs and over-charging, but for God's sake don't lead with a bleeding heart from the bench at the expense of the innocent.

My question to the Commission, and the only question that's really important to anyone who lives in Rutherford: How much is your life worth?

Ask the illustrious law firm that you depend on for higher intelligence, how much can the County afford to pay the first time a life is lost or worse, damaged forever, as a result of adopting this brain-dead policy. Ask Dewey Screw 'em and How, how much more can the County afford, or will you just keep singing that reliable old song, "Raise Homeowners' Taxes!"

Homeowners will pick up the tab, because our Commissioners see them as an endless piggybank to pay for all the screw ups that Dewey Screw 'em and How advises them on. They give out bad legal advice, just so the firm can make more coin on the back end when that advice causes litigation. Pretty cushy set up.



Those will be the questions on all our minds if pre-trial release passes. That's called "logic." Our Commission needs to apply it.

In my opinion, Pre-trial release/Catch and Release, has proven an utter failure in law enforcement and intelligence. It's so bass-ackward it leads one to conclude that it is purely part of a larger political agenda to completely neutralize law enforcement. Don't take my word for it, go to Youtube.com and watch "Seattle is Dying."

Sections: Voices