Middle Tennessee State University will be hosting a "Finish Your Degree" Q&A event Wednesday, Oct. 23, at the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce in Murfreesboro.
The come-and-go event will run from 4 to 7 p.m. Oct. 23 at the Chamber, located at 3050 Medical Center Parkway near Interstate 24.
Working adults and professionals will learn how they can finish their degree faster at MTSU and get that missing piece for their resumé, organizers say.
Degree coordinators, academic advisors, and admissions counselors from MTSU will talk with attendees one-on-one to answer questions about transferring prior credits, choosing a degree program, getting admitted to MTSU, and enrolling in courses to get started.
MTSU has many flexible degree options that are specifically designed for working adults with busy schedules. The degrees can be completed online at the student's preferred pace, and they can even get college credit for what they already know.
Using what’s called Prior Learning Assessment, MTSU offers career-minded adults the chance to earn up to two years of credit for their work and training, all for the cost of one three-hour class.
"This is the biggest advantage for our adult students," said Peggy Carpenter, assistant dean of MTSU's University College, which administers the largest Adult Degree Completion Program in the state. "We help students translate their experience and professional training into college credit, which shortens the path to their degree and saves them a lot of money."
Refreshments will be provided. For more information, call 615-898-5236 or visit https://www.facebook.com/mtsuonline/.