Women Going Home: The Person of The Lydia Living Room Strategy

Jan 02, 2020 at 07:00 am by sonyamcclloughlockridge

The Lydia Living Room Strategy may be implemented in several ways and I've listed a few of them below.

  • Personalized the ministry launch with a mailing list.
  • Tailor the program to meet their physical and mental pain points.
  • Invite prospects to a free in-person private dinner.
  • Be sure and highlight other owner/dinner guest's expertise. 
  • Deliver great Bible-based products and services such as prayer support

We women who repent can go home and simply enjoy the fruit and peace of our labor, unburdened!

In the end those of us who repent have this promise directly from Jesus. I will put upon you no other burden. It's right there in the second Book of Revelation, verse 24. No other burden!

  • In the end those of us who repent have this promise from Jesus, and this promise is packed with several other riders, not only will you be unburdened!
  • But, that which you have already, hold fast until HE Comes! 
  • And those that keep His work until the end of time, HE will give you power over the nations! 
  • The ability to rule.
  • And, finally Jesus Himself promises to give Himself to those that repent of the actions this same Jesus is against!

According to Mother Teresa,"A woman is at the heart of the home. Let us pray that we women realize the reason for our existence:to love and be loved and through this love become instruments of peace in the world."

So, the question that remains is: If a woman is at the heart of the home, what becomes of the home when she is not there?

In conclusion the person of The Lydia Living Room Strategy is you! Christ in you is the Hope of Glory.

Glory has hope y'all and it's Christ in you and me!

Happy New Year!

Sections: Voices

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