Women's March comes to Murfreesboro 'as Rutherford County trends progressive'

Jan 14, 2020 at 10:00 am by Downtown Hotness

Power Together TN Women's March


Women's March Tennessee Power Together, an affiliate of the national Women's March, will host its annual mobilization on Saturday, Jan. 18 in Rutherford County at the geographic center of the state. 

What: Power Together TN 2020 annual mobilization

When: Jan. 18, workshops begin at 9:00 a.m., rally begins at 2:30 p.m.

Where: Workshops at Walnut House, 116 N Walnut St., Murfreesboro; rally at Civic Plaza, 111 West Vine St., Murfreesboro

In 2020, Power Together will keep building with budding and veteran activists to secure our reproductive rights, to keep immigrant families safe, and to preserve our planet for future generations to come. 

For more information on Tennessee's Women's March, visit https://www.womensmarchtn.org/


Sections: Other News
