Save lives by giving blood for Battle of the Badges bloodmobile

Jun 09, 2020 at 10:00 am by Lisa Marchesoni

Battle of the Badges

Want to save three lives?

Give blood.

Rutherford County Sheriff's Office is sponsoring an American Red Cross bloodmobile for the annual Battle of the Badges drive with other law enforcement agencies, firefighters and paramedics this month.

Officers, firefighters and paramedics who respond to crash scenes or medical emergencies know the need for blood every day.

That's why they are giving blood and encouraging Rutherford Countians to donate as well.

The American Red Cross will accept blood donations from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday, June 10 and Wednesday, June 24 at the Sheriff's Office at 940 New Salem Highway.

People who have donated and first-time donors must schedule an appointment online by: 

• Searching for American Red Cross Blood Drive.

• Clicking on Donate Blood.
• Typing in the 37129 zip code and scroll down to either the June 10 or June 24 blood drive.
• Selecting a time.
• Completing the information.

Each donor will receive a T-shirt and may receive a $5 Amazon gift card by email online at

Donors must complete the American Red Cross Rapid Pass questionnaire the day of the drive.

Photo: Detective Brian Gonzales donates blood during last year's Battle of the Badges bloodmobile. 

Sections: Other News

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