Real People, Real Issues

Nov 29, 2021 at 03:33 pm by clervin

This article's intent is to explain the recent Republican victory in Virginia and use that as a strategy for the GOP, at the national, state, and local levels going forward. I define "real people" as those of us in flyover country, not the ideologues on both coasts or inside the beltway. Real issues are the issues we care about the Biden adminstration is failing on: inflation, soaring crime, energy dependence, unlimited illegal immigration, mandates, climate change, and intentional racial division. The list goes on and on. Don't even get me started on Biden's disasterous foreign and military policies. 

The Virginia race was fought and won over what parents and ordinary people want, not what left-wing idealogues focus on: critical race theory, gender pronouns, the green new deal, and defunding the police. The Biden adminisration sits at the corner of woke and incompetent, and yet does not desire to change lanes. They're doubling down on their losing agenda. 

My message to Republicans: continue to focus on local issues, especially the economy: inflation and supply chain problems and the Dem's anti-parent education stance. These are winners. Let the Dems contnue to ram down their sweeping progressive agenda. Napoleon posited: Never interrupt your enemy when he is a making a mistake." 

Above all, do not allow the Democrats and their media allies to drive the debate forcing you to constantly play defense. That strategy worked against President Trump. Presdient Biden, Speaker Pelosi and the squad are alienating voters. A growing majority of Americans disapprove of Biden's job performance and 71 percent of Americans believe their country is headed in the wrong direction. Focus on the message that Biden's crises are self-made and "Morning in America" is possible again-in 2022 and 2024.    

Sections: Voices

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