Doors of Hope to open substance use treatment center for women

Jan 26, 2022 at 05:55 am by travisswann

Doors of Hope recently announced that they will open an inpatient treatment center later this year. 

The new treatment center will serve women who do not have the financial means to pay for treatment.

“Addiction does not discriminate. The disease does not care about gender, race, or socioeconomic status. The clients we serve generally do not have the finances, nor insurance to receive in-patient intensive therapy.” Doors of Hope Executive Director Jackie Miller said. 

The hallmark of the new facility is that services will be provided at no cost for clients and it will fill the aforementioned need. 

Property has been purchased for the new treatment center adjacent to the current Doors of Hope office located at 428 East Bell Street in Murfreesboro, Tenn. 

“We’re in the process of renovating the building to accommodate the treatment center. Regarding the timeline, we expect it to be operational later this year,” Miller noted about the construction process. 

Local non-profit launches capital campaign to help fund project

 To coincide with the new building project, Doors of Hope has launched a capital campaign to fund the acquisition of the property and the expansion of client services.

“Providing these services is an expensive undertaking, but necessary if we are to change the lives of the women we serve and empower them to begin a new healthy way of life,” Miller added. 

Those who are interested in contributing to this effort can donate to Doors of Hope, 428 E. Bell St, Murfreesboro, TN 37130 or call 615-900-0634 to make pledges that are payable over three years.

Since opening in 2011, Doors of Hope has been committed to empowering women to break the cycle of addiction, homelessness, and incarceration.

For more information regarding Doors of Hope, visit

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