Murfreesboro City Schools students ready for Winter Break

Dec 21, 2017 at 03:20 pm by Murfreesboro City Schools

Schools across the district celebrated the first half of the school year Thursday, Dec. 21 with a variety of assemblies and performances.

Black Fox’s gymnasium was filled with music and fun for its annual winter assembly on the last day of school before winter break. More than 800 students participated in this winter finale and sing along.

“This is an exciting way to hold the last student assembly of the year. The students look forward to performing for their peers, teachers and parents too,” said Joe Thompson, Black Fox Elementary Principal.

Mitchell-Neilson’s gymnasium was also filled with a school-wide assembly as staff members led the way donning their ugliest Christmas sweaters. Students and staff competed in Reindeer Olympics interspersed with student performances.

Meanwhile, Reeves-Rogers and Overall Creek third-grade students participated in their second annual virtual math competition. The winner receives bragging rights and a coveted traveling trophy.

After a Wednesday filled with caroling, hot chocolate, pajama day and class parties, Erma Siegel styled in their tacky Christmas sweaters on the last day of school.

Step Up and Serve Olympic games was featured at the Scales school-wide assembly.

At Bradley, students spread holiday cheer in their pajamas while taping administrators to a wall in celebration of a wonderful first half of the school year.

The day ended with a host of winter characters and teachers sending holiday greetings to students as they leave for the winter break at Reeves-Rogers and John Pittard Elementary.

Students and teachers return to school on Jan. 8, 2018.

Sections: Other News