A Note to Our Readers...

May 25, 2022 at 03:22 pm by Voice Wire

To Our Readers,

In the wake of the recent mass shootings that occurred this month in Buffalo, NY and Uvalde, TX, the site would like to extend its collective sympathies to all of those impacted. 

Unfortunately, mass shootings are a senseless tragedy that have become all too common. Almost everyone suffers when a community endures such a heartbreaking event. Regardless of the politics, the majority of Americans become deeply disturbed reading news filled with carnage.

We've been waiting for the right time to make an announcement about the site's new direction. While not ideal, it may serve the community now to break the news.

The Murfreesboro Voice is growing into a more conventional news site. To meet this growth, several changes have been planned for the site's operation. One of the changes readers will notice in coming months will be an increase in reader engagement.

We want to know what everyone thinks. We also want to open our door to you, so that we can learn about what coverage you'd like to see.

The Murfreesboro Voice wants to hear your thoughts in response to the recent shootings. What relevant news items would you like to read on the site related to this topic in general? And more importantly, how can the Murfreesboro Voice be of greater service in keeping Murfreesboro safe?

We’d love to hear from you. Please drop us a line via our admin email address: admin (at) murfreesborovoice.com

Yours in Service, 

Murfreesboro Voice Team

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