Opinion: We Need Fathers

Jun 06, 2022 at 01:35 pm by cghattas

Photo: Carol and her late father, Tom Brown.

As Father’s Day draws near, many of us are reflecting on those we call Dad on this earth. For some, that is a wonderful thought, while others may find it distressing. At the same time, such a reflection may lead some of you to call or text your dad, when others can only wish they still could. No matter the case, dads are worth honoring.

Fathers are Part of the Building Blocks of Society

Along with mothers, fathers become the basis of the family structure. For any society to thrive and grow, we need fathers. It is all too evident in these last decades that the loss of engaged and active fathers devastates the family and leads to a deterioration of societal safety and security. This does not mean that others cannot step into the gap for an absent father, and we are grateful for those who do, but there is still something missing in the child’s life that cannot be duplicated by another.


When a child watches a father love and respect their mother, they learn what sacrificial love looks like. For every man who goes out into the world to earn a living in order to support his family, sometimes with long hours and personal strain, a child is forever changed for the good. The father’s work for the family teaches his children that with commitment to family comes a responsibility that costs him something.


For any child who has been held during a storm, comforted after a trauma, searched for when lost, a father’s care teaches at a base level what our Heavenly Father longs to show us on a spiritual one. Just as marriage is an illustration of Christ’s marriage with the Church and the intimate relationship God desires with his children, so fatherhood paints a picture of how God interacts with those who call him Father by faith in Christ.


Many of you may find reading the above paragraphs difficult. Your father was no model, and perhaps he was completely unknown to you in the first place. That doesn’t mean Father’s Day is not for you.

  • We can be what our father was not. There is hope to change the course of your future by living, not by your own father’s example, but by the ideal given by God. Your children do not have to live through what you did.
  • We can be thankful for the men who became father figures to us. Was there a teacher, coach, scoutmaster, or church leader who played a role in your life? Thank God for them and reach out to them on this special day. They may have no clue the impact they made in your life.
  • We can find redemption on Father’s Day by putting our trust, not in man, but in God, who is a good, good Father.


As the youngest of five, I had a special relationship with my father. As my older brothers and then sister left the house, I had that one-on-one time some of them did not enjoy. Being older when I was born, I also got away with more—especially, if you ask my brothers. My memories of him will look different from older siblings. The best thing I liked was our conversations together. He listened to me and let me express my opinions.

I’m very aware that the blessing I experienced with my father is not something I can take for granted, and I’m very sorry if your experience was not as pleasant on this earth. Being without my father these past few years gives me a taste of the void a father leaves. I pray today as Father’s Day is upon us, that upon reflection, you can find an opportunity to be grateful for the father in your life, whatever way that looks—natural, adopted, a mentor, teacher, or friend. Be grateful, and also be aware there is another father, who never disappoints, that longs to call you “Child.”

Happy Father’s Day!

Carol B. Ghattas is a writer, speaker, and active blogger. Subscribe to her blog, lifeinexile.net, or follow her on Facebook or Instagram. Connect with her at lifeinexile.net. 

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