The January 2018 episode of “In the City,” Murfreesboro’s video magazine program hosted by Michael Linn White, began airing this month on CityTV. The news magazine show airs every day at 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Channel 3 and 1094 on Comcast Xfinity, Channel 99 on AT&T Uverse, Roku, and YouTube.
Airing throughout January, “In the City” features include:
- A detailed look at the 2040 Major Transportation Plan, outlining road and highway infrastructure and other resources the City will need to keep up with population and traffic growth over the next 25 years. The Plan informs Chapter 3: Mobility of the Murfreesboro 2035 Comprehensive Plan. Watch as Assistant City Engineer Sam Huddleston presents the Plan to the City Council. View at
- Learn how Election Day Voting Changes are in being implemented by the Rutherford County Election Commission to make the voting process more convenient. Administrator Alan Farley explains how the 162,000 registered voters in the County will participate in the “convenience vote center format.” View at The pilot project allows voters to vote at any one of 28 locations in the County rather than a specific location. For a list of the polling locations, visit
- As the City adds more Bike Lanes and sidewalks to improve connectivity, citizens are being encouraged to avoid leaving yard debris and other obstructions in these avenues. Cyclists are forced to leave the lanes to avoid the debris, creating a safety issue. City Engineer Chris Griffith encourages homeowners to do their part to keep the lanes clear. If you notice a problem, call the Engineering Department at 615-893-6441. View
- An Adaptive Signal Control Technology system is being developed for Rutherford and Northfield Boulevard in 2019. Viewers get a visual glimpse of how the innovative project will update 14 signalized intersections. Learn more about the TDOT-funded grant project in a presentation by Transportation Director Jim Kerr. Watch
- The busy intersection of Highway 96 (Franklin Pike) and Veterans Parkway is undergoing improvement with the widening of a stretch of Hwy 96 to five lanes and rebuilding a new bridge over Overall Creek.
The TDOT project will ease the bottleneck and traffic jam at the intersection that serves commuters accessing I-840 to Franklin and Nashville. Engineer Chris Griffith also discusses the upcoming widening of Hwy 99 (New Salem Highway) beginning with the section from Cason Lane to I-24 in 2019. Watch
- Plus, other City News, including opening of the Broad and Memorial Bridge and the Special Census.
Michael Linn White, the new host of CityTVs ‘In the City,’ is a 2017 graduate of MTSU with a bachelor of science degree concentrating in Multimedia Journalism. A native of Oxford, Mississippi, White previously worked as a video journalist for WMBB-TV, the ABC affiliate in Panama City, Florida.
In the City is produced by Steve Burris.
For all the latest City news, visit or watch the most recent newsbreaks and past episodes of “In the City” on our YouTube channel or