As part of enhancements to the Tennessee Department of Transportation I-24 Smart Corridor Project, Murfreesboro's Traffic Signal System will undergo signal upgrades at some major intersections beginning Thursday, Nov. 21. The work continues this week on Broad and West Main streets and Medical Center Parkway. The changes are scheduled to avoid disruptions during peak volume times.
Modifications to signal equipment will occur during less congested traffic times between 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Traffic control personnel, including flagmen and law enforcement officers, will be in place to help manage traffic flow during the signal shutdown at the following intersections (weather permitting):
- Broad St. from Church Street to Thompson Lane (8 intersections) (Dec. 17-19).
- SR-96/Old Fort, Main St. and W. Lytle St. (Dec. 17)
- Church St. (Dec. 18)
Completed intersections are:
- Medical Center Parkway at I-24 Interchange, east and westbound ramps (Completed Nov. 21).
- New Salem Road (Hwy 99) at I-24, Interchange, east and westbound ramps (Completed Nov. 26).
- West Main St., W. Lytle St., SR-96/Old Fort Parkway. (Dec. 2 Completed)
- Medical Center Parkway, W. Clark Blvd., Northfield Blvd. & W. Thompson Lane (Dec. 3-4 Completed)
“We want motorists to be aware that some temporary delays or disruptions could occur at these intersections during the period of 9 a.m.-3 p.m. so TDOT contractors can make the necessary upgrades to the City's Signal System equipment,” said Transportation Director Jim Kerr. “We want to thank the commuting public for their patience during the period of modifications to the system.”
Upgrades to City Traffic System equipment will enable the system to better communicate with TDOT's I-24 Smart Corridor.
Alternative Routes
The City Department of Transportation advises motorists to avoid these intersections, if possible, by taking alternative routes between 9 a.m-3 p.m.
This is Phase 1 of the three-phase project. Eventually the Smart Corridor system will enhance I-24 with various upgrades to improve travel time reliability. The enhancements include Dedicated Short-Range Communication (DSRC), Roadside Dynamic Message Signs, Emergency Refuge Areas/Pull Offs, and Signal Timing Optimization in areas like Murfreesboro which has long benefited from such a system.
Both locally and regionally, signal timing adds up to significant savings and financial impact for the community at large.
“This project is not meant to ‘fix' all transportation problems in the Middle Tennessee region and City.” said Kerr. “But optimizing signal timing with the I-24 Smart Corridor is one component in the overall traffic management program as it continues to address the many transportation challenges that a growing community like Murfreesboro faces.”
The Murfreesboro City Council approved Phase 1 of the Signal Maintenance Contract with TDOT for the I-24 Smart Corridor Project, Dec. 20, 2018, and adopted Resolution 17-R-30 in support of the Corridor Dec.14, 2017. The TDOT Project includes 28 miles along I-24 from I-440 to U-S Route 241 (Church St.), 25.3 miles along State Route 1 (Broad St.) from I-24 to U-S 231, and 30 miles of connector routes between I-24 and SR 1. Additionally, there are 123 traffic signals along SR 1 and the connector routes and 16 interchanges along I-24.
Traffic mobility is a top concern of Murfreesboro residents as the area continues to attract newcomers and residential and business growth expands in nearly every direction.
In additional to signalization upgrades, the City has committed millions of dollars in new infrastructure road and bridge projects over the next three to five years that include Hwy 99 (New Salem Rd) (TDOT project), Rucker Lane, Bradyville Pike, Brinkley Road, Cherry Lane, Jones Blvd., and Thompson Lane (TDOT project). Despite these major financial investments, maximizing the operational efficiency of the City's traffic signal system is both necessary and fiscally responsible.
In December and January, Broad Street, and the corridors of Church Street and Old Fort Parkway on I-24 will again be impacted by the signalization upgrades during the weeks of Dec. 16-20 and Jan. 1-17.