Murfreesboro FAQ: What is the current status of the Cherry Lane project?

Nov 03, 2020 at 11:00 am by Michelle Willard

Murfreesboro Voice reader Terry Tewell asked about what is going on with the Cherry Lane extension project.

Back in January, Murfreesboro City Council approved a plan to extend Cherry Lane to Interstate 840.

The $70 million project is projected to be completed by 2024 to help relieve traffic pressure on the northside of town. The new road will have five lanes, curbs and gutters, a bike lane and even sidewalks. The pedesterian portions will likely be funded by developers.

We asked the City of Murfreesboro Transportation Department Deputy Director Ram Balachandran to explain the current status of the Cherry Lane extension project.

"The Cherry Lane extension project (Phase II) is in the two to three-year timeframe for bid letting and construction pending any unforeseen changes from Mayor and City Council. Currently, it is going through TDOT’s environmental review process. Once approved, the City will begin right-of-way acquisitions which normally takes anywhere between 12-18 months," Balachandran said.

Tewell was also curious about the activity on Thompson Lane between Memorial Boulevard and Northwest Broad Street.

At the same meeting in January, the City Council talked about the Tennessee Department of Transportation's plans to widen Thompson Lane. This project is in the right-of-way-acquisiion phase, which accounts for any surveying drivers might see as they are stuck in traffic.

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Sections: Murfreesboro

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