Rutherford County Had a Huge Growth Year in 2020

Mar 02, 2021 at 09:49 am by robmtchl

Graph of year-over-year home sales growth in Rutherford County, Tenn.
Graph of year-over-year home sales growth in Rutherford County, Tenn.

In spite of COVID-19 related business challenges the last year created; one area that was unaffected was the housing market.

People moved to Rutherford County in near record amounts. More than 3,500 new single family homes were put on the tax roll for this last year. There may be a slight slowdown in the next year but only because of the diminished inventory of build-ready home sites.

This will create challenges for the local community as we address our needs related to infrastructure, education, fire and safety as well as solid waste disposal.

One must also realize the administrative needs of the county also must keep pace with the growth as well. This will be an extremely busy year in the Property Assessor’s Office as we work toward producing our quadrennial reappraisal and revaluation on Jan. 1, 2022. Other offices and agencies are also stressed by the growth.

Our focus has been and will continue to be one which works to maximize our current assets effectively while exploring innovations which will improve service and value to our citizens. The elected leadership of Rutherford County is second to none statewide.

As a citizen of Rutherford County and from the unique vantage point as an elected official, I can say the men and women we have chosen to lead us are all hardworking and dedicated public servants of which we can be very proud.

Sections: Other News

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