Spring Fling 2018

Laurie Avarista-Romero and Deidre Dechira help a couple of softball fans decide what treat they would like to purchase from the concession stand at McKnight Park at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships.
Katherine Hendry from Chattanooga use her megaphone and cowbell to cheer for her team at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.’s Matthew Holley paints bases before he and the ground crew rework a softball field at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Fans from Walker Valley cheer as their team scores another run in a softball game at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Murfreesboro Parks & Rec’s John Green prepares the field at McKnight Park for the start of another softball game at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Murfreesboro Parks & Rec’s John Green marks the batter box before the start of another softball game at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Larry Cotten takes a meaurement in the long jump at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Herb Roberts sets the high jump at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Tyler Flagg takes drink of water as he waits for the boys high jump to start at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Media, fans and coaches take photos of the triple jump podium ceremony at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Anvil Nelson exists the discus throwing circle after setting up is laser device to measure distances at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Mother-daughter team of Tamera Stigall, she announces the next contestant and Anastasia Stigall, she records distances in the girls discus competition at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Eli Milligan relaxes in front of a fan at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Jeff Crowell waits for hot dogs to cook at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Rossville’s Khenan Meriwether has a wet towel over his hat to cool off from the heat at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Hannah Brown makes change for parking at Adams Tennis Complex at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Members of the Baylor tennis team have their photo taken before their matches begin at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Players for Montgomery Bell Academy cheer for one of the their double team as they play at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
The back window of this minivan says it all at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Michelle Benson carries an extra pair of shoeS on the bat handles as she arrives for her game at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
A long line of fans file into Starplex at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Players and fans file into Starplex at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Julie Wilson bags items at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
From the press box at Starplex the score keeper and media watch a game at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Lizzy Barger shoots the action at Starplex through the fence at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Softball fans line up at the concession at Starplex at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Riley Suits from Cleveland adds the noise of a duck caller to the chant at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Corey Linburg gets the crowd fired up with his mini megaphone at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Richard Brewer from Loretto waits for a softball game to start at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Kurt Scott fills a cup with Pepsi for a customer at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Erica Scott bags a pretzel for a customer at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Murfreesboro Parks & Rec. Anna Dauberman prepares to mark off the batters box as crews prepare the field for another game at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Olivia Miller waits for a family to take their seats in the courtesy golf cart she was driving and take them to their vehicle at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Traffic files into Starplex at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Some softball fans watch a game at McKnight Park from outside the fence at the 2018 TSSAA Spring Fling Championships. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.