Countdown to Noon Year's 2018

Emma O’Neil takes a sip to celebrate 2019 as St. Clair Sr. Center held Countdown to Noon Years. photo by Jim Davis/M’boro Parks & Rec.
Charles Pinkerton and Mara James dance to the music at the St. Clair Sr. Center Countdown to Noon Year event. photo by Jim Davis/M’Boro Parks & Rec.
Shirley Martin, Mona McCann and Lois Knox at the St. Clair Sr. Center Countdown to Noon Year event. photo by Jim Davis/M’Boro Parks & Rec.
Allen Hatcher, lead singer with the NashTones, sings a hit from the 60’s at the St. Clair Sr. Center Countdown to Noon Year event. photo by Jim Davis/M’Boro Parks & Rec.
Hilda Wood gets Gene Miller ready to bring in 2019 at the St. Clair Sr. Center Countdown to Noon Year event. photo by Jim Davis/M’Boro Parks & Rec.
Paula Faist and Jessie Whitaker sit at their table and dance to the music at the St. Clair Sr. Center Countdown to Noon Year event. photo by Jim Davis/M’Boro Parks & Rec.
Home German prepares to celebrate 2019 at the St. Clair Sr. Center Countdown to Noon Year event. photo by Jim Davis/M’Boro Parks & Rec.
Dave and Pat Murz bring in 2019 at the St. Clair Sr. Center Countdown to Noon Year event. photo by Jim Davis/M’Boro Parks & Rec.

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