A call from grace: Guides of Humanity

Jan 24, 2019 at 07:00 am by Paulette Jackson

Guides of Humanity

The call to care for life has been heard, across the ages, from many voices. Some speak for themselves, some draw from a different self. Others stand on history, prescribing its precedence, while others clamor for change, and abstract bents. Then there are those who speak from a transcendent place, regarding the gift of being, and what it means to belong, in this chance of grace.

Still, yes, the answer lies with me and you, with our one precious life, what will we do? And perhaps, before we cast our fate to the wind or some enlightened goal, our hearts would be at peace, if we genuinely and compassionately, turned toward our own soul.

Guides of Humanity

She stumbled – the Mother

Her steps faltered
from wearied efforts
searching to find
the trusted
guides she had known since birth

“Dear little relatives”
spirits of ancestors
Like Tomtar or Nisser
keepers of the earth
protectors of her home
guardians of her worth

Where had they gone – these lovers of the land
called by some
a holy entourage?
Were they a dream –
the cast from some partially remembered slumber scene
or the fantasy of a mirage?

Where would she find these souls once again –
the lovers
the gentle hearts and healers
skilled craftsmen
who honor
the fragile container of life
and every living being

The hopes and dreams
plans and schemes –
even unrealized themes
with caring and love
so they could see
longings freed
becoming reality
spreading like wildflowers
on the back of the wind

Or better yet
carried in the open palms
of you and me –
for in truth aren’t we
the ancestor spirits of humanity?


For the Support of Your Life
For the Many Sides of Life
Paulette Jackson LPC-MHSP

*Tradition tells us that the nisse or tomtes, refer to spirits – ancestors of previous generations, who cleared the land and made a homestead, and now inhabit the houses and barns of that homestead, secretly guarding the farm, protecting the family and animals as well as help with the farm work.

photo credit: pinterest